Surveying steam traps is quicker, easier and more accurate with Armstrong International’s exclusive mobile app.
Perform steam trap surveys more efficiently and accurately with ease—and conduct resurveys much more quickly than with traditional methods—using the free, native Apple application included with SAGE®.

Use your iOS or Android device to survey steam traps—even if no Internet connection is available.
SAGE® Mobile includes our Squares Condition Updates and an intuitive user interface that provides the quickest way to manually update the condition of your traps. SAGE® Mobile saves you time and increases accuracy as it quickly gathers your data and stores it locally, automatically pushing it to SAGE® as soon as you have access to a network connection. This easy-to-use application eliminates dual data entry and decreases survey times while allowing technicians to document over 75 types of information for every piece of equipment. The most current iOS and Android operating systems are supported, as well as two previous versions of each.
Manual Collection and Input
If you rely on manual data collection from the field, SAGE® offers all the flexibility you need. SAGE® easily accommodates the manual input of all your collected data until the time is right to begin using real-time monitoring or our mobile app.