Leading heat supply solutions created to meet some of the geothermal industry’s toughest challenges.
Satisfied customers in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas turn to Armstrong International for superior heat performance and carbon dioxide emission reduction. As a global leader in energy management, our experienced engineers are available around the globe to meet the needs of the geothermal industry and assist our customers in the use of (naturally occurring) hydrothermal systems and enhanced geothermal systems (EGS).
Our experience makes the crucial difference.
With 125 years of experience in the heating systems industry, Armstrong helps you maximize your efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint better than any other company in the world . Our mission is to solve your problems and make your life easier. We want you to enjoy working with Armstrong every time.
„Reliable flow measurement in geothermal steam environments – including non-condensable gases“
Discover what Armstrong can do for you
Armstrong offers exactly the solutions you need, from reliable, durable equipment and groundbreaking technology to customized systems and services.
We provide intelligent heat solutions that help users effectively and efficiently control, extract, use and measure renewable heat sources in a wide range of applications, including power generation, industrial processes, district heating and precious metals extraction. Armstrong products and packaged solutions are backed by our excellent technical support.
Geothermal steam
Hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), carbon dioxide (CO₂) and other contaminants, along with trace elements, are commonly found in geothermal steam. Armstrong offers solutions to manage toxic gases and address many resource/site specific requirements, such as environmental regulations surrounding non-condensable gas emissions measurement.
Geothermal brine
Calcification and corrosion inside a geothermal system depends on the resource/site and is usually much more aggressive than in industrial environments due to the salts, silicon, heavy metals, chlorides, calcium carbonate and other minerals (lithium++/gold) contained in the geothermal brine. As a result, the selection of materials and management of the system for extracting, using and reinjecting the brine are critical to ensuring the performance and longevity of your system.
flow measurement
Armstrong’s state-of-the-art flow measurement technology provides exceptional accuracy and reliability for any application including steam lines, cooling tower water lines, custody transfer measurements, non-condensable emissions measurements and more.
More information about our advanced flow measurement technology
Sustainable, proactive condensate drain management
Armstrong takes a holistic approach to steam trap management. Our experts consider your entire steam system, as well as the needs of your facility, your region and the geothermal industry. Whether you have 10 traps or 10,000, we can help you manage your steam trap system better than any other company in the world.
condensate drains and multifunctional units
Armstrong offers robust, reliable, heavy-duty steam traps and multi-function units (Trap Valve Stations – TVS) for use in any application, location and environment such as steam fields, low pressure and high pressure steam field lines, umbilicals and turbine traps.
Kugelschwimmer- und Thermostatische Kondensatableiter
Ableiter mit freischwingendem
SAGE UMT® Automatisches Prüfgerät für Kondensatableiter
Unser hochmodernes, drahtloses, tragbares Testgerät eliminiert Benutzerfehler und erleichtert jedem Kondensatableiter-Techniker, regelmäßige Ableiter-Untersuchungen schnell und genau durchzuführen. SAGE UMT®, das in Verbindung mit der SAGE® Steam System Management-Plattform verwendet wird, hilft Ihnen dabei, Daten für die Verwaltung der Ableiterleistung, -langlebigkeit und die Optimierung der Dampfnetze zu nutzen. Es ist die umfassendste und fortschrittlichste Plattform zur Verwaltung von Ableitern in der Industrie.

Drahtlose Kondensatableiterüberwachung in Echtzeit
Die überlegenen, bahnbrechenden Echtzeitüberwachungsprodukte von Armstrong kommunizieren nahtlos mit der SAGE® Dampfanlagenmanagement-Software, sodass Sie kritische Ableiter oder Ihren gesamten Bestand an Kondensatableitern kontinuierlich überwachen können, und zwar in derselben Datenbank.
Drahtlose Überwachung von Dampfanlagen
AIM® & WirelessHART® Kondensatableiterüberwachung – Broschüre
AIM® und ISA100 Wireless™ Kondensatableiterüberwachung – Broschüre
SAGE® Dampfanlagenmanagement-Plattform − Broschüre
SAGE® hält Sie rund um die Uhr lückenlos informiert. Unsere leistungsstarke Software ermöglicht ein Systemmanagement, das regelmäßige Updates und präzise Dokumentation mit standardisierten und individuell gefilterten Berichten enthält. In Kombination mit der drahtlosen Überwachung von Armstrong bietet Ihnen SAGE® Warnmeldung in Echtzeit, um Sie bei sich anbahnenden Problemen unverzüglich benachrichtigen.
SAGE® Software zur Dampfsystemüberwachung, -messung und -dokumentation

Wärmepumpen für hocheffizientes Heizen und Kühlen
Die maßgeschneiderten Wärmepumpenpakete von Armstrong bieten eine hocheffiziente und zukunftsfähige Lösung für Fernwärme/-kälte und Gebäudeheizung/-kühlung.
Regelventile und Ventile
Armstrong bietet ein komplettes Sortiment an robusten, zuverlässigen Ventilen und Regelventilen zur Verwendung in Kraftwerken und nachgelagerten industriellen Anlagen.

mud flaps
Built to Armstrong’s exacting standards, our strainers offer reliable superior performance and durability. They are available in a variety of sizes and materials to meet your pipeline’s strainer requirements.
Show Y-strainers
heat transfer coils / air heaters
Armstrong offers heat exchangers made from special materials to enable the use of geothermal fluids in industrial plants. We have the manufacturing capabilities and flexibility required to design coils and equipment for all types of air and gas applications.
Let our global experience with geothermal energy work for you